Thursday 16 April 2020

Birthdays and Holidays

Of course, the Giant Baby's birthday party had to be cancelled. Since it was planned for a little over a week before his actual birthday, we cheered him up by still having a party, just for us, and letting him pretend it was his real birthday, by getting all his presents that day.

He had fun which is good. It made me a bit depressed. It is so weird to me that this kid that questions everything, doesn't believe girls don't have penises (how would they wee?), and thinks we're teasing when we say that chicken the food is made from chicken the animal (that's the craziest thing he had ever heard), just accepts without question that we can't go to Nanny's house, the library, the zoo, the beach, the museum, the park, kinder, or have birthday parties because it's illegal. On top of which, the two kids, twenty four seven, with no light at the end of the tunnel, is a tiny bit completely and utterly exhausting and draining, which doesn't put me in the best frame of mind to start with.

 The Giant Baby's pretend birthday, was my actual birthday and I got a screen printing set. So hopefully at some point, I'll get five minutes to myself to try it out. Although I might need to learn to make chloroform first.

And hopefully in the next couple of days, I'll shake off my funk, long enough to take pictures for another My Collection post.


  1. Happy birthday! Why am I thinking that making chloroform might help with the kids driving you crazy problem? ;)

    Did you ever hear of the book Charlotte's Web? Charlotte the spider saves Wilbur the pig from his appointed destiny of becoming bacon and pork roast. So one day we're eating pork chops and the Dancer, of all about three years old, proclaims "I'm eating Wilbur!"

    Can't believe that you can't go to the beach or the park. That's a bit much. We can go to any place like that around here, with the six foot distance thing still being recommended. I'm having enough trouble with creeping depression as it is. Not being allowed to go to the beach would be awful.

    1. It's a bit annoying everything being closed. He started asking about Easter, what it means. I tried to explain, he wanted to go to church. I was like "Um . . . Ok. I think I know where the Lutheran church is and I think Lutherans are ok" but then I remembered that even the churches are closed.
      But I can't complain too much since it seems to be working. Since they made the rules we've gone from 18th highest number of cases to thirty something.

    2. I'm Lutheran, so I think Lutherans are okay too. :)

    3. Lol, in that case they must be alright. I just meant, they're protestant (because vaguely protestant is about as far as my religious beliefs go) and I don't think they do any weird shit, like you can't have vaccinations because if God wants you to die we want you to too, or you can't eat sandwiches because they're not explicitly mentioned in the bible.

  2. Thanks Linda. I'm guessing restrictions are even stricter where you are. Hopefully we'll get through this soon.

  3. Hi Rachael, happy birthday to you both!

    The chloroform might help you get through a day, but you can't use it for the next four weeks. LOL! I know it's probably no fun staying at home all day, every day, with two young kids, but think about what the possibilities are if you don't. We are so lucky to be living here and not in America right now.
    Big hugs,

    1. Lol, what if we take turns? Chloroform baby on Mondays and Thursdays, little boy on Tuesdays and Fridays and myself on Saturdays and Sundays?
      The news out of America is terrifying. We're freaking out over six thousand cases, but they've got over thirty thousand deaths! Even if you consider how much bigger their population is, that's still terrifying.

  4. Hello, just discovered your blog through another blog I follow. Belated happy birthday to you and your little boy, you did make me laugh over his questions and then his acceptance of things right now.
    Well let's hope you weren't too successful with the chloraform....have you thought of perhaps using a rubber mallet instead? ;)
    Hugs from Sharon in Spain x
