Tuesday, 28 March 2017
Adventures of a Giant Baby
The Giant Baby and I have had an exciting week. . . and not all in a good way.
Last week he started daycare. He's only going to be going one day a week and it's mostly for the social aspect. He gets to get used to spending time with adults that he's not related to and he gets to play with other kids without me having to socialise. That possibly sounds horrible but I'm just not a social person. When I get the chance, and I don't very often, I'd much rather invest in some alone time. So far he seems to love it and I'm actually really impressed with the centre and he's already trying to talk more so I feel like I've done the right thing.
Then on Thursday night we were outside running around and he tripped. He had a dummy in his mouth and he landed on it. It cut up the inside of his mouth and pushed his two front teeth back up into his gum. There was screaming and crying (and not all from him) and a LOT of blood and a rushed visit to the doctors before they closed. The doctor's attitude was "Ack, he'll be fine, stop freaking out." which was equally comforting and insulting.
I also discovered that even though I know first aid and know from experience that I'm great in an emergency, the sight of a single drop of blood from the Giant Baby turns me into a puddle.
Saturday night the baby had a fever of forty degrees. We tried to find a doctor, but the only one we could find that was open was already overbooked and told us to go to the emergency room. We were there until a million o'clock when he was given the all clear.
But Saturday and Sunday he cried all night. We gave him ibuprofen before bed and even still he spent half the night crying. Except it was this terrible crying where he would try to get up or get away but he wasn't actually awake. He couldn't even open his eyes. It's not easy comforting a child that isn't even aware you're there.
Because he'd been so miserable, he went to the dentist yesterday, just to check that everything is fine and that his baby teeth getting pushed back didn't damage his adult teeth. Luckily his adult teeth are fine and while not everything is quite where it should be, nothing is actually where it REALLY shouldn't be. It's just a case of waiting another week and a half for it to heal. I had mixed feelings when I heard this. On the one hand Yay! It's all ok! On the other hand it may be another week and a half before I get to sleep through the night again. Not so yay.
But actually he did sleep through last night although he's still clearly not a hundred percent (he just spent five minutes crying over a puddle.) At least things are looking up.
Meanwhile in doll related news, I've decided to start a weekly series of posts called Tiny Tuesday, showcasing the little toys (up to four inches) and dollhouse miniatures in my collection. Hopefully I can get the first one up by tonight, otherwise I'm going to cheat and post it tomorrow on the grounds it's still Tuesday in America.
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