Thursday 25 May 2017

Finally, we get some good news!

The Giant Baby has been on the waiting list for an Early Intervention Test. That's a test where experts run tests disguised as games in order to diagnose children who may have developmental issues, and decide what services are appropriate for them.

I've had mixed feelings about this. On the one hand, I've been 99.9% sure that there's absolutely nothing wrong with him, except that he can't talk. On the other hand, I'm not a doctologist, and so I have wondered if maybe I've been in denial. At the end of the day, I've figured that if there's nothing wrong, we don't lose anything by having him take the test, but if we are in denial, it's probably better that he takes the test sooner rather than later. But I've also looked at the whole thing as a massive bother, and a pain in the neck.

Part of the issue, was the preliminary test he had to do to see if he qualified for the big test. Half of the test, you can't pass if you can't talk. And the lady that did it, did that bit first. By the time she was halfway through, the Giant Baby had decided he didn't like her, and had his hands over his ears. By the time she moved onto other things, she was getting pretty impatient, and  he really didn't like her, so he insisted on not only ignoring her, but also standing with his back to her. He did not do well on that test. Part of me wanted to say the result wasn't fair. Another part of me felt that doing that would make me sound like one of those parents that blame all of their kids issues on their teacher.

They got back to us about the next test today. He won't be taking it. The people that do the test have reveiwed the application, and his earlier test results, and spoken to his daycare centre, and they've rejected the entire application. From the information they have, they've decided that clearly the only issue is that he can't speak, and since he's only just turned two, they don't find that overly concerning, so the test isn't necessary. Instead, they've referred us to a speech therapist.

This is the result that I was expecting to have, but after he took the test. To have this result already, feels like a huge relief and a small victory. He still has to have a hearing test next week, but I really don't think there's anything wrong with his hearing. Sure, he often appears not to hear me when I say something he doesn't want to hear, but he can hear a fridge doir opening, or an offer of juice, from three streets away.

 It's really unsettling to hear, that there may be something wrong with your child. But, it's really nice to hear proper experts saying he's absolutely normal and basically backing up what I've been saying all along!


  1. Hope he benefits from speech therapist. I was in the same situation. They told us just let him hang out with his peers and it will be ok. But until then I kept calculating the worst case scenario :))) now I have a talkative kid. I am sure your giant baby will be the same :)

    1. Thanks. Good to hear it worked out for you. That was part of our thinking in putting him in daycare two days a week. Other kids and communicating with less familiar grown ups might help.

  2. I'm glad to hear that the Giant Baby is doing well. Kids are all different. His interaction with the lady that did the test sounds hilarious, even though it probably didn't seem that way at the time!

    1. Thanks. It was hilarious at the time, especially since the lady kept asking "What's he doing?" I had to keep a straight face and say "I think he's frustrated because your questions are too hard." When I really wanted to say "I don't think he likes you."
