Friday 5 April 2019

Birthday rebellion

 I have started an Instagram for my dolls. If you're on Instagram it's poppyandthegiant. I'll still be posting her as much as I ever have (which is NEVER as much as I mean to) but will probably update that more often. . . Unless I forget it exists, which happened with my old doll Instagram and now I can't even remember how to log into it! Sigh. I plan to do better this time!

 I still don't have a doll room. In fact I've started making this face whenever the subject is raised.

So this week, in a fit of rebellion, I unpacked a bunch of dolls and did this on our loungeroom shelves. . .

It's not finished yet. There's a few things that shouldn't be there (like the witches), I don't know what I'm doing with the chair and there's a space next to the Wellie Wisher for a special girl, that's coming in the post.
 Having them out is making me plan things. But whether or not those things happen is going to depend on whether or not I can find my fabric stash before I burn out on the idea.

 Yesterday was my birthday. I didn't want much. We've gotten so much new stuff over the last few months already. I did get two Our Generation sets. An outfit with a scooter and a sewing machine set. Unfortunately I can't show you because I forgot to take pictures and they're currently somewhere in this chaos!

The doll I have coming, is a doll I've always dreamed of having but never expected to get. I bought from my doll savings as a birthday present to myself and hopefully she'll be here soon, so I can show you.

Here she is!

An 18 inch Ann Estelle! Unfortunately the lady I bought her off, forgot to send her glasses. Will have to see if I can sort that out but I'm not sure I even mind. The same lady has a whole bunch of 18 inch Ann Estelle in EBay! I have wanted one of these for years but when they were available, I had no money and buying stuff internationally was complicated. I never thought I would find one, in Australia on the secondary market! I haven't had a really thorough look at her yet but she has real heft to her! Clearly Tonner quality vinyl and clothes, an adorable face and some of the most beautiful doll eyes I have seen! Now I count the seconds for the kids to go to sleep, so I can have a real proper look at her!


  1. Happy birthday and congratulations on getting a great doll! I've eyed the 18" Ann Estelle dolls myself to go with my AG Samantha and Caroline. I do also love Ann's dress. Tonner also made a dress just like that for the 10" Ann crowd, but I may try to make one like itinstead. I feel the Ann Estelle stuff is still too pricey in the secondary market here.

    1. To be honest she wasn't cheap. She was $200 (about $140usd) plus postage, which was my entire doll fund! But to put that in perspective, my second choice was another Maru mini pal but that would have cost even more!
      I love this dress! Some of the Ann dresses are a little too cutsie poo for my taste, but this one is great.

    2. I did a quick check on eBay here in the US. Someone is asking $50usd for just the outfit that your doll came in. The 10" Georgia doll, with mussed hair, wearing that same outfit just sold for $58usd. So I think the equivalent of $140usd is not that bad for the 18" version, dressed.

      It's too bad that the Maru dolls are so expensive where you live. The Mini Pals are cute, and I could see them being older siblings for my Ann Estelle crew.

      I don't think I knew how many Kish dolls you have. You have a very nice collection!

    3. Thanks Barb. I love my Kish dolls. Most of them I got about five years ago. I was waiting to have surgery to remove cancer, it was a long wait and I bought one each month I had to wait to cheer myself up!

  2. Happy Birthday Rachael! Your little Ann Estelle is a really cute doll and I have looked and been tempted by them myself on many congratulations on bringing this one home. I'm sure if you asked nicely the lady would send the glasses on to you. :)

    I don't follow instagram, so I do hope you stick around on blogger.
    Big hugs,

    1. Thanks! Her glasses are already on their way, hopefully they'll arrive some time this week.
      I'll definitely stick around on Blogger. It's just that there are times when I have a quick doll pic or progress report but no words, or not enough time for words. It's to give me an outlet for those times.
