Wednesday 8 March 2017


My plan to do "My stuff" for an hour after the baby goes to bed has come to nothing so far. I've been working a lot more than usual which means I get home at ten or eleven at night and I'm not working on anything then, generally I've been up since six am and all I want is my dinner. And if I did try to do anything in that state, I'd muck it up.

Not quite so cute when it's three AM and he's screaming the house down!
Also the Giant Baby has stopped sleeping. The mothercraft nurse says this is normal and it's called two-year sleep regression and will go away on it's own. I'm not completely sold on that idea. His Dad puts him to bed when I'm working, but if he's making any noise at all after that his Dad gets him back up again. I'm pretty sure this has become a bad habit and now he expects to be gotten out of bed if he wakes up at all.

Despite all this, in the delusion that I'll eventually get five minutes to myself I'm making a list of stuff that I want to get done. Not a big list because I want to do EVERYTHING but I'm not putting everything on the list - it's extremely short and prioritised; and there's no time limit. I'll finish when I finish, then I can make a new list.

Dress fitting for Not-Glinda. Nearly done. At the moment see-sawing
between Grace and Charlotte as her name.

First I want to finish the things I've started. Finish Not-Glinda's dress and finally give her a name, fix one Baby So Beautiful's hair. The other Baby So Beautiful still needs a dress. The My Child dress she's wearing fits ridiculously badly, but her new dress is on hold until I think of something I want to make her instead of forcing myself to make something that I don't want to make.

Her collar sticks up weirdly and I'm not completely happy with how full her fringe is,
but at least she doesn't look like her face is melting anymore.

I want to look at making a light tent for photographing dolls and things. At the moment this is sounding like a fairly simple process but it still remains to be seen if it is or not.

I have a Dollmore Zihu.

The bad lighting here makes her look a tiny bit alien
 I've had her for a few years now. I gave her a face-up when she arrived. And I love her more than nearly anything. But I still haven't made any clothes for her. I still haven't settled on which wig is hers. I bought a wig specially for her and it really doesn't suit her but I have two others that I quite like on her. Mostly she needs clothes.

I also got an Iplehouse KID for Christmas.

I'm not happy with her eyes but I think I'm happy with her wig. . . maybe

 She needs clothes too. And I have to decide which wig is hers.

Put away in a cupboard in our laundry is a charming young lady named "Miss Three-Head".
She's never even been unwrapped!
She's a lutz doll with two extra heads that I bought not long after I got my Zihu. She doesn't have any face-up yet. I haven't even unwrapped her and have completely forgotten which of the Luts heads she has! Two of the heads have no eyes. And I have no wigs that will fit her. I know that I had plans for her, when I bought her. I have NO idea now what those plans were. I'm not even going to say that I have to do anything with her just now. But I do have to decide WHAT I'm going to do with her. Have some vague idea at least.

Lastly in my dollhouse I have a library. With some lovely bookshelves.

Lovely empty bookshelves
And a grand total of maybe six books. I want to make some books for the dollhouse. I'm talking about making some book covers in Photoshop, printing them out and gluing them to blocks of craftwood. Not any ambitious miniature bookbinding of actual readable miniature books for me!

And of course continue to amass a collection of ridiculous and creepy Shopkins Happy Places toys, that just keep getting weirder.


  1. I want to make a St. Patrick's Day dress for at least one of my dolls before, you know, St. Patrick's Day, but I can't decide on which doll. Your not-Glinda is gorgeous, and the dress suits her.

    1. A St Patrick's day dress sounds fun. I hope you put up pictures of it if you do. I would like to make an Irish dancing dress but I don't think I'd get time in the next week.
      Thanks. Her dress still nees a couple of finishing touches, mostly a belt and petticoat which will hopefully get done this weekend.
