Friday 6 September 2019

Oh dear!

That's it! I am never speaking again!
Every year in April, I do this thing. I announce that the hot weather is CLEARLY over for the year and put all of our fans in storage. Guess what happens next? A week of thirty degree weather. Without fail.

This year, at the start of August I said (maybe even made a big deal about it) that we'd had a really mild winter, most days had been fifteen degrees, or just under. Yeah. Go me. The temperature dropped overnight and didn't hit ten degrees again for over a week.

We all had colds. Eventually I said "Yay! We're all better!" The next day, I came down with a terrible sinus infection like I've NEVER had before.

Eventually, I said (even posted here) "Yay! I'm all better!" Within twenty-four hours, I got an ear infection! (My immune system sucks and I'm pretty run down.)

A few weeks ago, I was talking to the Giant Husband. I said Tiny would start walking sometime in the next month but not for at least two weeks. Guess who started walking THE NEXT DAY!

Two days ago I said "Looks like the bad weather is over for the year." Suddenly the weather forecast predicts the temperature won't go above thirteen degrees for the next week.

This morning, I said three things.

"It won't rain today, I'll prune the roses this afternoon." It's pouring! I could try to prune the roses but I'd probably drown.

"I don't worry about the baby's naps. If she doesn't fall asleep at lunch, she falls asleep watching Hoopla Doopla." (Her favourite tv show.) Guess who refused to go to sleep. Yeah. Instead of being asleep by one thirty, I had to trick her into going to sleep at three! Tired babies are fun.

"The Giant Baby has been such a good boy lately! I'm really pleased with him!" He got cross because the baby wasn't asleep because I let him play with my Shopkins while the baby sleeps. When he's cross, he's naughty.  He flushed half a dozen tea towels in the toilet! I made him clean up the mess. (I helped.) Then when we were putting the towels on to wash, he threw laundry powder all over the laundry, then wiped his nose on my clean hoodie that was hanging in the laundry! Oh! Such a good boy.

Yeah, so I'm pretty sure right now that in future, I should really just be quiet.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I agree Rachael, perhaps you should put a sock in it and just think these things quietly to yourself. I probably shouldn't admit this, but your post gave me a good laugh...and I'm so glad my days of raising children is well and truely over. :)
    Hope things begin to look better from now on.
    Big hugs,

    1. I really just need to shut up, maybe I could get a cane and give myself a slap over the knuckles every time I start getting cocky.
      Feel free to blame any bad weather on me and believe me, if I didn't have a good laugh about all this myself, I'd be in a mental hospital by now

  3. Yeah and I was soooo looking foward to Spring and warmer weather! Maybe we should move to Darwin, it's going to be in the 30's all this week. :)

    1. Lol. I've thought that so many times, but then I think "Think of all the things you can't get in Melbourne because it's not America or Europe, and times that by a million. That's what living in Darwin would be like!"

  4. Anything that can go wrong, will? Is your last name Murphy? ;) I'm also glad my days of having littles around is over, but I do have serious grandma fever.

    I hope you feel completely better soon. We are entering what I think is the best time of the year here, autumn. It's hanging around 24 degrees at the moment.

    1. Hmmmm, no Murphys in my family. I think maybe I shot kittens out of a cannon in a past life or something.
      I hope (and assume) you mean 24 Celsius-which sounds lovely; and not 24 Fahrenheit which is probably colder than I've ever been!

    2. Yep, 24C. I expect it will get down to 24F here once the winter kicks in, though.
