Friday 30 August 2019

Catching up

 Now I have a wonderful space for making and a bunch of new toys, and I haven't had a chance to use it!
Partly because I'm an idiot. I had money to burn and the Giant Husband encouraged me on spending it all on stuff for my room. Sooooo I bought an overlocker. But I forgot to buy overlocker thread. So I couldn't use it. I bought a twin needle pintucking foot for my sewing machine. But I forgot to buy a twin needle. So I can't use it. I bought some Jo Sonja's paint for airbrushing. But I forgot to buy any flow medium (thinner). So I can't use it. Best of all, I bought an air brush and compressor. I had assumed the airbrush would come with an air hose. It arrived first and did not come with an air hose. So I ordered one. The compressor came with one.
Since then I've been too sick to function. I've still managed to get a fair amount done with the storage in the wardrobe in my room. I got two cheap, galvanised shelving units from Bunnings, and a bunch of cardboard postage boxes from Officeworks to store stuff in. And I've got most of the stuff I forgot to buy, except a twin needle. And I need to dust the dollhouse and get the furniture back in.

I also have plans. I have a large Lalaloopsy that used to be my niece's that I'm turning into a witch. I'm thinking what to do with the Kindi kids. Donatina has volunteered to have her head ripped off. And she wants to be a genie. I don't know what to do with the others yet. I have a sundress in my head that I want to make for Tiny. Then I want to start working on some half finished projects, I have around the place.

I got some of the Capsule Chicks by Moose. They're little blind bag, fashion androids. They come in 5 capsules packed inside a little vending machine - which the Giant Baby has claimed and is in love with.

They're pretty cute. I love their faces. They haunt me, but after a while they all start looking like Ellen DeGeneres to me. They fit together kind of like a Nendoroid or Cu Poche, with great articulation. On the downside the pieces in each pack  are randomised, so you get enough pieces to make a doll but the pieces don't necessarily "go together". For instance the girl on the right has mermaid legs and a halo. So she's an Android-mermaid-angel? That sounds like something the Giant Baby would make up. And they don't come with standard checklists. Instead they come with these "fashion magazines".
I find this format confusing and would much rather have some sort of list that clearly tells me what goes with what.

I've also kind of got a new Cu Poche. I bought her head and hair when I bought my first one. Her outfit came free with my Alice. Then I figured I may as well buy a body and have a whole doll!

That's an actual tiny zipper on her jacket! Which is cool but also I NEVER want to have to do up a zipper that small again!

That's it for now. Hopefully now that I'm feeling better, I can actually start doing stuff!


  1. Hi Rachael, I'm pleased you are feeling better and can finally finish off what you started. Isn't it a bummer when you forget important things like that, I do it too and end up making more trips than was necessary...I guess that's why I like shopping on line, it saves time and petrol. LOL!

    Not sure about those capsule dolls but I do like the little Cu-poche you have created.
    Big hugs,

    1. I'm glad I'm not the only one that forgets stuff. I do almost all my shopping (except groceries) online. Otherwise I end up buying a heap of stuff I don't need and forget the one thing I was supposed to get!
      We just had a little play with the Capsule dolls. Out of the clothes I have, we can make one outfit that doesn't look like it was put together by a drunk three year old and their shoulder and elbow joints pop out a LOT when you try to move them. Still like their faces but not a fan and won't be getting any more.

  2. I have to write stuff down, or I forget it. Right now, I keep notes in an app on my phone, so I almost always have it with me. Your talking about a twin needle pintucking foot reminds me that I want to try out lots of different stitches on my sewing machine. I hope we get to see your overlocker soon.

    1. I did that on my old phone! I probably should start doing it again!
      I do have a post about my sewing machine and overlocker in the works. . . Hopefully I can get that finished in the next few days
