Thursday 8 August 2019

Craft room update

I don't want to post pictures of the craft room until it's finished, so I've used a picture of Tiny instead.

Progress is slower than I expected. I thought I'd be able to build all the furniture in one day. Turned out not. The big kitchen benchy thing took all day, and I could barely move the next day. (If you're wondering, the Giant Husband was willing to help, but not allowed. I'm a control freak and he would not have survived.)

And I don't think I realised the sheer volume of stuff I had to sort through! There is an insane amount of stuff! On top of which, the Giant Baby has been having some issues. He's a gigantic ball of energy, some days I have taken him for ten kilometre walks in an attempt to tire him out so he'll sit still for five minutes. It doesn't work. He doesn't stop moving. He never stops talking. Which means by the end of the day, I'm too tired to get too much work done.

BUT now I only have to do maybe one more nights work sorting, then get the dollhouse in there and it'll be all done! YAY!


  1. Hi Rachael,
    That photo of Tiny looks like it depicts what you were saying about Giant Baby! LOL!
    Good luck with the remaining pieces of stuff, can't wait to see what you have done . . . but I think I can cope with one more sleep. :)
    Big hugs,

    1. We got the dollhouse in last night. It was in the garage so we were waiting for the rain to stop. I gave up waiting.

  2. Can't wait to see your craft room. Tiny looks super impressed! :)

    1. Just posted pictures. Feel a little bad that it's not perfect and beautiful but then I'm not an interior designer or a photographer.
